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 The Withing Way©
based on Nonviolent Communication

This 4 week online course (4 sessions) is for YOU to
Immediately practice tools to shift your current conflicts with this
reliable solution-based paradigm.
Immediate. Practical. Reliable. Simple.

Mondays 5pmPT   July Mondays 8-15-22-29

Tuition: $ 197


You'll receive a digital companion handbook  when you register.

We'll offer a basic introductory overview to NVC...and then also have time on each call for questions and  to practice.


You'll have  the opportunity to connect with an accountability buddy (optional) 

for  a 15 minutes daily practice to deepen your sense of competence and mastery of practice.


We'll learn and practice some clues and cues to use in your real life, when it most matters to you. ​

Clear up some of those confusing or irritating messages you've been receiving by getting to the simple heart of the matter.

Get tips and tools for ways to stop taking things personally....even when the other person wants you to take it personally!

​Could this really be for you?

Do you want more ease and less conflict in your relationships? If so, then the answer is YES! This is for you!

You CAN  increase your ACCESS to your tools when you most want them available, and it seems most challenging to remember them. (That deer-in-the-headlights feeling!)

Words About Mair

from Bud Fruitkin, I have learned so much over the last 30 years from NVC (Non-Violent Communication). I met Mair along the way & have taken some of her courses. She is one of a handful of the truly great teachers, because she is wry, indirect, humorous, and unforgettable. She can teach it so it sticks in your everyday life. It’s not just a theory. It a practice & endlessly practical. She did not ask me to write this. It’s not only loving, but one of the most useful set of habits & outlooks in my life. And I am 85!

from Jen Wick I had an NVC call with Mair and Gustavo one morning that helped me with a challenging situation at work. I was able to use NVC tools authentically which resulted in a productive and thoughtful conversation about a subject at work that tends to be thorny and uncomfortable. It's that kind of new approach that feels really powerful. It takes the stress and charge out of it. Everybody can be heard. I continue to appreciate how even the two classes I have taken with Mair Alight have helped me navigate life better.

from Marshall Rosenberg, Founder of NVC: "Mair Alight is one of sixty individuals from twenty-five countries selected by the Center for Nonviolent Communication to attend a Special Session on Social Change in July 2005 in Switzerland. The purpose of the session was to further the vision we have to create a world where all people are getting their needs met and resolving their conflicts peacefully. Mair Alight is committed to the vision of creating and participating in building worldwide networks of life-serving systems including, but not limited to education, economics, justice, health care, peace keeping. It is my hope that you will support her in her efforts towards implementing social change." Warmly, Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D, Founder and Director of Educational Services, The Center for Nonviolent Communication ( July, 2005

from Miki Kashtan, Lead Trainer, Strategic Vision, BayNVC: "I have known Mair since 2002, when she attended the BayNVC Leadership Program. I appreciate, in particular, her deep passion for meaning, her dedication to authenticity and full human connection, and her humor and courage in responding to challenges. I trust her understanding of NVC and her continued immersion in learning and clarifying concepts and processes. I am impressed by what I see as her ability to see and reach human beings across a wide range of demographics and experiences and offer meaningful healing and learning to others."

               Some Organizations We've Worked With:


Lisa Michaels

"I realized how much NVC I was absorbing just through participating in the calls when I found myself using components of it with a coworker a couple of days without even thinking about it, and I decided I needed to keep the momentum going!"

"I'm amazed at how much like magic, the techniques I'm learning, help me understand relationship dynamics and ease through difficult conversations. Thank you so much much Mair and Gustavo, for all that you do to provide this service"

"Overall, I learned a great deal. I learned that to use nonviolent communication we need to slow down, we need to listen carefully to others, and choose our words carefully. There is a lot of violence in language that conveys, judgement, blame, and criticism. We hear a lot of Jackal language in the world and in our lives every day. NVC provides a great way to refocus these conversations towards feelings and needs. I believe we all need more of this."

Christina Scott

Tom P.S.

Trained directly by Marshall Rosenberg, developer of Nonviolent Communication. Certified Trainer since 2006 with the International Peace
Organization the Center for  Nonviolent  Communication.                                                                                  
Mair has been learning, practicing  and teaching  the
paradigm-shifting  perspectives of Nonviolent Communication                                                                                                ,                                                             supporting life-changing communication transformation                                                   with thousands of people through the
simple, reliable, immediate language tools (not rules) of
Nonviolent Communication  - The Withing Way©

Mair has the gift of genuine curiosity and joyful enthusiasm for offering tools for choice and change while at the same time accepting people just as they are.
Mair uses the diversity of her life experiences and trainings in a multitude of modalities sharing stories, songs and images to inspire and connect with others in her unique way.
Mair  spent 500+ hours with Marshall Rosenberg, originator/developer of Nonviolent Communication, as he modeled and shared his way of connecting with others. Mair was invited and participated in a 15-day experiment in social change at Marshall's then-home in Switzerland with 60+ participants from around the world.

In the sharing of Nonviolent Communication over the decades, Mair founded The Withing Way© to offer the  3 Tools-not-Rules that can create lasting, reliable, simple,  immediate change in people's lives.
Mike JPG for Etsy Profile.jpg

Mair  Alight 

View Rev. Mair Alight - Minister of Religious Science 2009

Listen to Radio Interview with Mair Alight on Women Lead Radio as Donna Netwig, your host of Women on the Journey; Tales From the Trenches

View an article about Nonviolent Communication on Grammarly Blog

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