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Hard-to-Hear Messages

If  you want more tools (not rules) to help you to not attack or defend, freeze or fly away when confronted by attacks, blame and criticism, this is the call series for you.



  • Bring to class your most disturbing hard-to-hear jackal messages

  • Learn to use some tips to guess what needs messages might be hidden within the hard-to-hear messages

  • Profoundly change your ability to listen with curiosity to your jackals’ messages (instead of hearing attack, blame and criticism)

  • Learn how not to take the Jackals’ ABCs personally.

  • Experience getting to the heart of the matter, increasing your understanding of your jackals’ messages

  • We share a google doc with links to resource documents and videos, call structures, call "takeaways" and links to the recorded calls (if all agree to record calls)


Who is it for?

  • Those who want to hear the Life Energy (needs) underneath the hard-to-hear messages

  • You can benefit from this regardless of how many years you have (or have not) been practicing NVC in your daily life. We'll specifically learn and practice ways  to increase your ACCESS to your jackal translation tools when you most want them available, and it seems most challenging to remember them.

  • Those who want to increase understanding and clarity about what lies at the heart of the matter

  • Those who want to stop taking Jackals’ ABC’s personally.


What to bring:

  • You are requested to bring your curiosity and openness to learn and practice.

  • Find a quiet place for the call, and have available your chosen method for note-taking.This is interactive practicing, not a lecture series.....and you might learn things you want to remember!

  • Just like you play exercises on the piano to learn and grow increasingly proficient, we'll practice the learnable, reliable, practical, simple tools of NVC together on the calls.Calls will be recorded and made available to participants if all agree.


What some people have told us about their experiences with us...

  • "I'm so grateful for NVC. It has given me courage and allowed me to create a space within myself so I know where I am; I'm in touch with my feelings and needs. That is so liberating for me; before I couldn't modulate. I'm  still learning to express myself compassionately. I'm moving forward feeling truly pleasurable because now I feel I can take anything in compassionately."

  • "It was helpful for me to access and name sadness. Usually, I get stuck in anger. Thank you. This was really helpful. I really liked the role play."

  • "My take away today is the role playing framework. Take a pause, say less, go with the flow."

  • "Role playing was very meaningful"

  • "Thank you! Today was very helpful. I really liked the Q & A and role play. Really valuable.


TESTIMONIAL FROM Marshall B. Rosenberg:

"Mair Alight is one of sixty individuals from twenty-five countries selected by the Center for Nonviolent Communication to attend a Special Session on Social Change in July 2005 in Switzerland. The purpose of the session was to further the vision we have to create a world where all people are getting their needs met and resolving their conflicts peacefully.
Mair Alight is committed to the vision of creating and participating in building worldwide networks of life-serving systems including, but not limited to education, economics, justice, health care, peace keeeping.
It is my hope that you will support her in her efforts towards implementing social change." Warmly, Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D, Founder and Director of Educational Services, The Center for Nonviolent Communication ( July, 2005


TESTIMONIAL from Miki Kashtan:
"I have known Mair since 2002, when she attended the BayNVC Leadership Program. I appreciate, in particular, her deep passion for meaning, her dedication to authenticity and full human connection, and her humor and courage in responding to challenges. I trust her understanding of NVC and her continued immersion in learning and clarifying concepts and processes. I am impressed by what I see as her ability to see and reach human beings across a wide range of demographics and experiences and offer meaningful healing and learning to others." - Miki Kashtan, Lead Trainer, Strategic Vision, Bay Area Nonviolent Communication (BayNVC)



"I’ve known Mair for a decade as a friend, colleague and as a participant in some of my NVC Mediation workshops. I very much enjoy how she shows up in the world with humor, care and clarity. I like the way Mair relates to herself, and to me and others. I without reservation recommend that you work with her at every opportunity." – Ike Lasater,





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