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 The Withing Way© - based on Nonviolent Communication

each session begins with 2 minutes of silence as we are
invited to consider the questions:
What's going on for you?
What brought you to this call?
What do you want us to know about you?

Each person is then invited to check in by
answering one of those questions, if they choose.

After each person has checked in (or passed), Mair will suggest a way to be with each other on the call using the check in portion.
Could be Role Plays, Q&As, Tools & Tips, Empathy Practice...

NOTE: For a secure & safe meeting, the waiting room will be enabled.
RSVP to the session on meetup, minimum of 24 hours in advance,
so Mair will be aware you intend to join,
and will watch the waiting room to invite you in. 

each session hosted by Mair Alight, CNVC Certified Trainer

and founder of The Withing Way©,

      $15-25/session sliding scale*

      Pay via venmo @Mair-Alight  or


* Pay less (including nothing)  or more (to contriubte to ongoing support for others who don't have the financial resources to contribute)


Click the button below to open the Meetup Group to join and/or view days and times of upcoming meetups. 



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